2024-25 NCAA DI Wrestling Rankings

125 - Matt Ramos

Troy Spratley dropped a match to Jett Strickenberger but stays at #4 based on his head-to-head wins this year over Eddie Ventresca, Caleb Smith, Jore Volk, Max Renteria, and Brendan McCrone. Strickenberger comes up to #10 with his win over Spratley but doesn’t come up higher because of his loss on the year to Spencer Moore.

Luke Lilledahl jumps up 10 spots after defeating #7 Caleb Smith. Lilledahl is currently undefeated on the year with an 11-0 record but has only wrestled 3 ranked opponents - Caleb Smith, Sheldon Seymour, and Charlie Farmer. Lilledahl’s lack of matches against quality opponents keeps him from moving into the top 5 for now. However, if Lilledahl continues to win, he’ll move ahead of Ventresca and Spratley.

Dean Peterson drops 5 spots after losing to Nicolar Rivera. Peterson’s recent win over Brendan McCrone keeps Peterson from dropping further. Nicolar Rivera jumps up to #21 with the win over Peterson but Rivera doesn’t move up higher because of his recent loss to Joey Cruz.

Do you have questions or comments for the rankers? We welcome and encourage your feedback. Hit up Jon Kozak (email: Jonathan.Kozak@flosports.tv; X: @KozakJon) and JD Rader (email: jd.rader@flosports.tv; X: @rader_jd).

1SRMatt RamosPurdue1
2JRRichard FigueroaArizona State2
3FRVincent RobinsonNC State3
4SOTroy SpratleyOK State4
5JREddie VentrescaVirginia Tech5
6FRLuke LilledahlPenn State16
7SRCaleb SmithNebraska6
8JRCooper FlynnMinnesota7
9JRStevo PoulinN. Colorado8
10SRJett StrickenbergerWest Virginia13
11JRMaximo RenteriaOregon State9
12SOBrendan McCroneOhio State11
13JRSpencer MooreNorth Carolina12
14SRKysen TerukinaIowa State14
15JRDean PetersonRutgers10
16SRTanner JordanSD State15
17JRSheldon SeymourLehigh17
18SRDiego SoteloHarvard19
19SRJacob MoranIndiana20
20SOTrever AndersonUNI21
21SONicolar RiveraWisconsin29
22SRAnthony MoltonCampbell22
23JRAntonio LorenzoOklahoma23
24JRBlake WestNorthern Illinois24
25FRMarc-Anthony McGowanPrinceton25
26SRNick BabinPittsburgh18
27SOMax GallagherPenn26
28JRCharlie FarmerArmy27
29SOJoey CruzIowa28
30JRReid NelsonLittle Rock30
31JRDesmond PleasantDrexel31
32SOKoda HolemanCal Poly32
33FRDedrick NavarroNorthwestern33