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Jamill Kelly | The Bader Show (Ep. 111)

0:01 Jamill Kelly’s, impressions of Senior Nationals and his new role at UNC 0:03 Starting a coaching job during a pandemic 0:06 Jamill Kelly’s start in wrestling 0:11 Jamill would make gains every time he wrestled an opponent 0:12 Kelly’s high school wrestling program 0:14 When Jamill Kelly started thinking about wrestling in college 0:15 Jamill went to Lassen Community College without ever visiting 0:17 The process of getting better at Lassen 0:20 Did Jamill think he’d go Division 1 after Lassen? 0:23 Getting some big wins at open tournaments led to being recruited 0:26 Being in the Lassen room was a lot like being in a D1 room 0:27 The adjustment period at Oklahoma State 0:29 When Jamill Kelly finally knew he could compete with anyone 0:32 Being Cary Kolat’s training partner for the 2000 Olympics 0:36 Being around for Kolat’s brutal Olympics 0:38 The practice match with Terry Brands that helped Jamill decide to compete after college 0:40 Jamill was the equipment manager at Oklahoma State 0:41 The quad from 2000-2004 0:43 When Jamill learned to control the things that were controllable 0:45 How the new weights changed Jamill’s approach 0:46 Jamill’s first world team experience in 2003 0:51 Jamill’s down time after the World Championships 0:54 The 2004 Olympic Trials and Olympics experiences 1:07 Jamill’s Olympic medal came at an incredibly condensed weight 1:08 Jamill Kelly’s wins & whoopins 1:10 Jamill’s iconic facial expression

Jan 26, 2022, Pro

Jamill Kelly | The Bader Show (Ep. 111)
Jamill Kelly | The Bader Show (Ep. 111)