Royal Duals - JV

Royal Duals - JV

2016 Roy High Royal Duals Information Date/Site Friday and Saturday December 9th-10th @ Roy High School in Roy, Ut. Coaches Meeting: Friday 2:30 p.m. Dinner Break Friday 6:30 p.m. or immediately after completion of 2nd round. Weigh-in First Weigh- in Friday December 9th @ 2:00 p.m... JV- You may enter as many wrestlers per weight as you want. A wrestler may not wrestle in both the JV and varsity tournament Friday weigh-in is Scratch plus 1 pound Second weigh- in is Saturday December 10th @ 8 a.m. Saturday weigh-in is Scratch plus 2 pounds Starting Times: Friday December 9th First Round starts @ 3:30 p.m. Second Round @ 5:30 p.m. Third Round @ 7:00 p.m. Fourth Round @ 8:30pm Saturday December 10th Fifth Round @ 9:30 a.m. Sixth Round @ 11:00 a.m. Seventh Round @ 12:30 p.m. Eighth Round @ 2:00 p.m. Ninth Round @ 3:30 p.m. Awards Var-2 team trophies, undefeated wrestlers (must wrestle in all duals) get long sleeve shirts. JV- Medal either top 4 or top 6 placers depending on the size of the bracket. Lockers and Showers: Showers will be made available but individual lockers are not available. Wrestlers should keep track of valuables and sit together. Admission Prices: 2 Day Tournament Pass for Family $40 (2 adults 2 students) 1 Day Tournament Pass for Family $25 (2 adults 2 students) 2 Day Adult Tournament Pass $15 2 Day Student Tournament Pass $10 1 Day Adult Tournament Pass $8 1 Day Student Tournament Pass $6 Entry Fee: $250 Varsity $150 JV 10-14 wrestlers. If you have less than 10 wrestlers in the JV tournament it is $15 per wrestler under 10. If you have more than 16 wrestlers for the JV tournament it is $15 per wrestler over 16. Coaches we have 9 teams in the tournament this year so we will do an ironman style of dual meet tournament for the Varsity. We will do this over 9 rounds and you will get 8 matches. I will give you the schedule at the coaches meeting. You need to enter your varsity lineups on trackwrestling. As usual the JV will be run using trackwrestling and you will be able to enter as many wrestlers per weight, this needs to be done by 12/8/16. If the JV brackets are to small we will just round robin the wrestlers in that weight or combine with another weight. Otherwise the JV will be run using either 8 or 16 man brackets. If there are any problems please let me know we can make changes in Friday?s coaches meeting.
Event Info
Royal Duals - JV on Dec 9, 2016 through Dec 10, 2016 in Roy, UT.