Worthington Open

Worthington Open

Worthington Open January 21, 2012 Sponsored by Worthington, MN,Convention and Visitors Bureau Date: January 21, 2012/3rd Saturday of January Place: Minnesota West, Worthington Campus Gym Building 1450 Collegeway, Worthington, MN 56187 Registration: Trackwrestling registration/Day of tournament Wrestlers: All wrestlers’ college freshman, sophomore, and those wrestlers’ who have not wrestled their junior year in college. Building Opens: 6:00 a.m. Saturday January 21, 2012 Skin check Weigh-in/: 7:00 a.m. Wrestling Room in the Annex connected to the Gym. Start time: 9:00 a.m. Verification: Please e-mail robert.purcell@mnwest.edu or fax 507-372-5803 line-up ASAP or we would like them by 11:59 a.m., Friday January 20, 2012. Will register wrestlers at weigh-in but they will not be seeded. Weight Classes: NCAA weight classes Rules: NCAA rules will be followed Entry fee: $20.00 with one exception, $10.00 with a current Worthington Hotel receipts from Jan. 20, 2012 good for up to two wrestlers per room. Tournament: Four mats and five officials, wrestling is run straight through until the finish. Normal finish time is 6:00 p.m. Seeding: By local committee Awards: Medals, Top three per weight class Tournament Director: Jerry Jansen, Athletic Director – 507-372-7409 or jerry.jansen@mnwest.edu
Event Info
Worthington Open on Jan 21, 2012 in Worthington, MN.