John Smith - The Wizard's Leg Lace


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The Wizard is back once again to offer up some fantastic freestyle technique. Here, he shows the subtleties to a most effective leg lace. He constantly emphasizes pressure from the waste down. Smith shows how to maximize this pressure before reaching over his leg. While staying up on your toes & off your knees, reach over his other leg with the opposite arm. Next, use your knee to bring his leg closer to the leg you just secured with your arm. Cross his ankles here before going elbow deep and securing the lace. Stay perpendicular with him here, then decide whether you want to come up with the lace or roll over with the leg for the turn. FLO would like to thank BRUTE for helping us get this John Smith technique. This technique is some of the most valued in our Tech Wave library, and we appreciate Brute's effort in working with us to attain it.

The Wizard's Leg Lace 
How To Lace When He Brings Both Knees Underneath His Chest
How to Lace When He Backs His Legs In Your Arm Pits
How to Lace When He Pulls His Knee Up Towards His Head
How to Lace When He Pulls Opposite Knee Towards Head
Finer Details to the Bent Leg Turk