2022 Big Ten Championship Pre-Seeds
2022 Big Ten Championship Pre-Seeds
Hot off the press, the 2022 Big Ten Championship pre-seeds!

The Big Ten Conference has released the pre-seeds for the 2022 Big Ten Championships in Lincoln, Nebraska. Check 'em out below, and then tune in over the weekend to the NCAA Conference Weekend Watch Party as the FloWrestling team will be breaking down everything going on across all conference championships plus on the ground content as well.
125: 10 allocation spots
Nick Suriano, Michigan
Drew Hildebrandt, Penn State
Eric Barnett, Wisconsin
Malik Heinselman, Ohio State
Devin Schroder, Purdue
Drake Ayala, Iowa
Michael DeAugustino, Northwestern
Patrick McKee, Minnesota
Dylan Shawver, Rutgers
Justin Cardani, Illinois
Tristan Lujan, Michigan State
Jacob Moran, Indiana
Jeremiah Reno, Nebraska
Zach Spence, Maryland
133: 10 allocation spots
Roman Bravo-Young, Penn State
Austin DeSanto, Iowa
Lucas Byrd, Illinois
RayVon Foley, Michigan State
Dylan Ragusin, Michigan
Brock Hudkins, Indiana
Chris Cannon, Northwestern
Joe Olivieri, Rutgers
Matt Ramos, Purdue
Dominick Serrano, Nebraska
Kyle Burwick, Wisconsin
Jake Gliva, Minnesota
King Sandoval, Maryland
Dylan Koontz, Ohio State
141: 7 allocation spots
Nick Lee, Penn State
Jaydin Eierman, Iowa
Sebastian Rivera, Rutgers
Chad Red, Nebraska
Jakob Bergeland, Minnesota
Stevan Micic, Michigan
Dylan D’Emilio, Ohio State
Joseph Zargo, Wisconsin
Dylan Duncan, Illinois
Franki Tel Shahar, Northwestern
Parker Filius, Purdue
Matt Santos, Michigan State
Cayden Rooks, Indiana
Danny Bertoni, Maryland
149: 7 allocation spots
Sammy Sasso, Ohio State
Austin Gomez, Wisconsin
Ridge Lovett, Nebraska
Max Murin, Iowa
Yahya Thomas, Northwestern
Make Van Brill, Rutgers
Beau Bartlett, Penn State
Christian Kanzler, Illinois
Graham Rooks, Indiana
Michael Blockhus, Minnesota
Kanen Storr, Michigan
Michael North, Maryland
Payton Omania, Michigan State
Alex White, Purdue
157: 7 allocation spots
Ryan Deakin, Northwestern
Kaleb Young, Iowa
Will Lewan, Michigan
Kendall Coleman, Purdue
Peyton Robb, Nebraska
Chase Saldate, Michigan State
Garrett Model, Wisconsin
Robert Kanniard, Rutgers
Bryce Hepner, Ohio State
Brady Berge, Penn State
Derek Gilcher, Indiana
Joe Roberts, Illinois
Lucas Cordio, Maryland
Sebas Swiggum, Minnesota
165: 7 allocation spots
Carson Kharchla, Ohio State
Alex Marinelli, Iowa
Dean Hamiti, Wisconsin
Cameron Amine, Michigan
Caleb Fish, Michigan STate
Dan Braunagel, Illinois
Hayden Lohrey, Purdue
Clayton (Bubba) Wilson, Nebraska
Cael Carlson, Minnesota
Creighton Edsell, Penn State
David Ferrante, Northwestern
Andrew Clark, Rutgers
Kasper McIntosh, Indiana
Gaven Bell, Maryland
174: 8 allocation spots
Carter Starocci, Penn State
Logan Massa, Michigan
Mikey Labriola, Nebraska
Michael Kemerer, Iowa
Ethan Smith, Ohio State
Bailee O’Reilly, Minnesota
Gerrit Nijenhuis, Purdue
Troy Fisher, Northwestern
Dominic Solis, Maryland
DJ Shannon, Illinois
Andrew McNally, Wisconsin
Nick South, Indiana
Connor O’Neil, Rutgers
Nate Jimenez, Michigan State
184: 12 allocation spots
Aaron Brooks, Penn State
Myles Amine, Michigan
Kaleb Romero, Ohio State
Taylor Venz, Nebraska
Abe Assad, Iowa
Layne Malczewski, Michigan State
John Poznanski, Rutgers
Kyle Cochran, Maryland
DJ Washington, Indiana
Isaiah Salazar, Minnesota
Christopher Weiler, Wisconsin
Zach Braunagel, Illinois
Max Lyon, Purdue
Jack Jessen, Northwestern
197: 11 allocation spots
Eric Schultz, Nebraska
Max Dean, Penn State
Cameron Caffey, Michigan State
Jacob Warner, Iowa
Patrick Brucki, Michigan
Thomas Penola, Purdue
Greg Bulsak, Rutgers
Braxton Amos, Wisconsin
Gavin Hoffman, Ohio State
Andrew Davison, Northwestern
Jaron Smith, Maryland
Michial Foy, Minnesota
Nick Willham, Indiana
Matt Wroblewski, Illinois
285: 9 allocation spots
Gable Steveson, Minnesota
Tony Cassioppi, Iowa
Greg Kerkvliet, Penn State
Mason Parris, Michigan
Lucas Davison, Northwestern
Christian Lance, Nebraska
Trent Hillger, Wisconsin
Tate Orndorff, Ohio State
Luke Luffman, Illinois
Jacob Bullock, Indiana
Michael Woulfe, Purdue
Boone McDermott, Rutgers
Brad Wilton, Michigan State
Zach Schrader, Maryland