Top Work: A Week Long Training Progression

Top Work: A Week Long Training Progression

Sep 9, 2012 by Nickolas Velliquette
Top Work: A Week Long Training Progression

Flowrestling will continue to add more technicians and training systems into the already expansive Technique Wave video library regularly, but in an effort to simplify video navigation (for coaches/wrestlers who regularly search for videos) while providing context around the techniques shown, we've decided to  add week long training progressions for given moves, series and situations.  As the season progresses, we will specialize these training progressions more & more; we can eventually work to present a week long progression, from basic moves to advanced, concentrated on only one move at a time (eg. tilts, high singles, stand ups, etc.) if that is what Technique Wave fans call for. 

The following is a very general week long training progression zeroed in on top moves of all kinds.  The progression will begin on Monday with a basic top series, and it will conclude on Friday with advanced technique from the top position.


Monday: Mike Krause's Total Breakdown Drill (Click Here)
Mike Krause is one of the best youth wrestling coaches in the country.  His demonstration style when showing moves is more than compelling, and his overall approach to wrestling practice (one I'd describe as "interactive") is extremely unique.  Here is a fundamental drill where wrestlers are taught to break down the opponent with four different moves, all in succession.


Tuesday:  Technique Wave Tuesday is a surprise every single week!  The cradle may or may not be emphasized this week.  ;)

Wednesday: Matt Storniolo's Rip Back Half (Click Here)
Everyone knows how to throw a half with the legs in, but not everyone's half is effective.  Here Storniolo demonstrates a very effective reinforced half while riding legs. Storniolo waits for his opponent to hit a near hip smash before showing a solid lil trick with his back leg that allows him to rip his opponent to his back.


Thursday:  Nate Gallick's Chest Tilt (Click Here) 
Dude, this is nasty!  Nate Gallick shows a fairly technical tilt that stems from the cross-body ride.  Get this one down, and you'll be turning opponents like door knobs all season long.

Friday: Nick Simmons' Ankle Trap Roll Through Half (Click Here)
This actually isn't as technical as you would think.  The move depends on timing, however, and timing a move can be tricky if never done before.  Here Simmons uses his opponent's momentum to hit a barrel roll and finish with the half nelson while riding from the far ankle.