4 Technicians, 1 Dresser Dump

4 Technicians, 1 Dresser Dump

Aug 19, 2012 by Nickolas Velliquette
4 Technicians, 1 Dresser Dump
The Dresser Dump is one of the most prolific feet-to-back takedowns in the game today.  A low-risk/high-reward move, the Dresser Dump stems from the front headlock and ends with the cradle.  The move is becoming more and more common, and it can easily be added to any wrester's arsenal.  Here are four great examples of the Dump; each technician has his own demonstration style when showing the move:

Mack Lewnes keeps the feet pumping when hitting the move


Bryan Snyder really emphasizes controlling opponent at the armpit when hitting the DD


Chad Erickson makes a point to change his level  before hitting the DD


Mike Krause emphasizes getting the angle, then putting his shoulder under opponent's chest before hitting the move
