2017 U.S. Open Wrestling Championships

US Open Rosters: NYAC

US Open Rosters: NYAC

While actually registering guys for the US Open is almost always a last-minute proposition, that hasn't stopped Flo from reaching out to some the country's best clubs and RTC's and seeing who they have slated to be in Las Vegas on April 25-29.

Apr 11, 2017 by Michael Malinconico
While actually registering guys for the US Open is almost always a last-minute proposition, that hasn't stopped Flo from reaching out to some the country's best clubs and RTC and seeing who they have slated to be in Las Vegas on April 25-29. 

Watch the 2017 US Open Wrestling Championships LIVE on FloWrestling

Below is a list of athletes that the New York Athletic Club will probably be sending to the US Open. 

Haley Augello, 53kg,  Women's Free
Erin Golston, 48kg Women's Free
Sarah Hildebrandt, 55kg, Women's Free
Lauren Louive, 58kg, Women's Free
Alexis Porter, 63kg, Women's Free
Jessica Kee, 63kg, Women's Free
Skylar Grote, 63kg, Women's Free
Rachel Watters, 69kg, Women's Free
Julia Salata, 75kg, Women's Free
Adeline Gray, 75kg, Women's Free
Randon Miranda, 66kg, Greco
Dalton Roberts, 59kg, Greco
Jesse Thielke, 59kg, Greco
Sammy Jones, 59kg, Greco
Jamal DeArmond, 66kg, Greco
Alej Sancho, 66kg, Greco
Rav Perkins, 71kg, Greco
Ben Provisor, 85kg, Greco
Austin Morrow, 66kg, Greco
Anthonie Linares, 71kg, Greco
Chris Gonzalez, 71kg, Greco
Jesse Porter, 75kg, Greco
Kendrick Sanders, 75kg, Greco
Jessy Williams, 66kg, Greco
Jon Jay Chavez, 80kg, Greco
Pat Martinez, 80kg, Greco
Khymba Johnson, 85kg, Greco
Orry Elor, 98kg, Greco
Chaney Haight, 80kg, Greco
Jeff Palmeri, 85kg, Greco
Tracy Hancock, 98kg, Greco
Enock Francois, 98kg, Greco
Robby Smith, 130kg, Greco
Jimmy Kennedy, 65kg, Men's Freestyle
Kellen Russell, 65kg, Men's Freestyle
Jason Welch, 70kg, Men's Freestyle
Dan Vallimont, 74kg,  Men's Freestyle
Chad Walsh, 74kg, Men's Freestyle
Richard Perry, 86kg, Men's Freestyle
Kallen Klienschmidt, 97kg, Men's Freestyle
Justin Grant, 125kg, Men's Freestyle

How To Watch

ON TV: Now available on Roku & Apple TV
STREAMING: Available only on FloWrestling. JOIN NOW.