Dave Schultz Series Presented By Rudis

Not Talking Wrestling Was Just What Jordan Needed

Not Talking Wrestling Was Just What Jordan Needed

Nov 13, 2014 by Willie Saylor
Not Talking Wrestling Was Just What Jordan Needed
Dave Schultz Taught Me How to Coach by Jeff Jordan

Every wrestler hits a point in their career or season where they hit a crossroads. In the
wrestler’s eyes or words we call it a slump or some might call it burn-out. It was my senior year in college and I hit a late January slump where I tied two unranked wrestlers in back-to-back weekends.

On a Sunday night in late January I was laying around in my apartment feeling sorry for myself when the phone rang. Whenever Dave Schultz called he would always say the least amount of words as possible.

This phone call was no different. “Jordan, Schultzy, come over now!” When Schultzy calls and tells you to come over, you go over.

I knew the reason for the phone call and invitation to his house. He was going to talk wrestling to me and to try pulling me out of my slump. When I got to Schultzy’s tri level house I just walked in and saw Schultzy sitting on his couch watching TV in his birthday suit. For a moment I thought Sasquatch invaded Dave and Nancy’s house because if you don’t already know, Schultzy was a very hairy man.

I turned my head and yelled, “Schultzy, its Jordan, get some clothes on!”

After slipping a pair of sweats on Schultzy asked me to sit down across from him. Between us was a Russian chessboard. Schultzy loved to play chess. He said the Russian wrestlers would always play chess between workouts because it teaches strategy. Halfway through the game Schultzy goes and grabs us both a beer. I don’t remember the brand of beer, but I do remember it was black and warm and it tasted like cough syrup.

I actually did two great things that night. One, I beat Schultzy in chess, and two, I choked down half of that nasty beer.

The amazing thing about that evening with Schultzy was that we never talked about wrestling. Somehow Schultzy knew that I needed a brief mental break. What I needed most
that night was the reassurance that he cared and believed in me. Schultzy was the master of having that “knack” of knowing how to bring me and other wrestlers out of a slump. He accomplished this through his relationships he built with his wrestlers. I do the same with my wrestlers. Sometimes I have to push them harder, and other times I have to give them a day off.

I never beat Schultzy again at chess. Sometimes I wonder if he let me win that game to build up my confidence.

Three months later Schultzy bought me a Russian chessboard when he wrestled in Moscow.

It's in my living room at this very moment and a present I will always cherish. 

About the Author:
This is a multi-part series about Dave Schultz written by Jeff Jordan. This is article two.
Jeff is currently in his fourteenth year as head coach at Saint Paris Graham.
-14x state champs
-2x National Champs
-Owner and operator of the Jeff Jordan State Champ Wrestling Camps

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