Seatbelt Move to a Takedown

Seatbelt Move to a Takedown

Dec 17, 2012 by Nickolas Velliquette
Seatbelt Move to a Takedown
Mike Eierman's technique is wayyyy ahead-of-the game, and his attention to detail allows him to find mutliple variations to moves that others often ignore.  

These two videos offer a fine representation of Eierman's coaching style. He first shows a great way to hit a seatbelt from the underhook -a technical move in its own right- and then he shows multiple ways to attack your opponent if he counters the seatbelt by pulling his leg back. First play around with the seatbelt, and then as your opponent starts to counter, try hitting either a high single or underhook far wrist throw from there.

Buckle Up: Eierman Shows the Seatbelt
You start from the underhook position and then place your free arm hand on the ground just before using your left leg to to trip your opponent backwards.  When doing so, make sure to use your head and upper body to knock your opponent over the leg you are using to trip him.   

He Reacts to the Seatbelt, Then Hit This Throw
You actually have a couple of options if he reacts to the Seatbelt by pulling his leg back. For one, you have the ability to snatch a high single.  The other option you have is to hit this wicked throw.  If your opponent counters hard, then that opens this throw up big time.

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