FRL 210: Zain, Brent Or...?

FRL 210: Zain, Brent Or...?

FRL 210 discusses the best 149 of the last 10 years, the DT/J'den 2nd period as well as the Dalton Macri transfer.

Jun 22, 2017 by Christian Pyles
FRL 210: Zain, Brent Or...?
FRL 210 discusses the best 149 of the last 10 years, the DT/J'den 2nd period as well as the Dalton Macri transfer. 

Order of Show:
0:00 - Macri to UNC
0:05 - Willie thinks Taylor got hosed.
0:18 - Brent vs Zain. The great debate. Best 149 of the last 10 years
0:30 - Plot twist - Darrion Caldwell. Bratke calls CP a coward.
0:44 - Nomad hate
0:45 - CP + Bader in Iowa, talking to Thomas Gilman
0:48 - Will CP ask about gassing from bottom?
0:53 - FloCryptozoology: Mothman, Duende
0:58 - No FRL Tuesday

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