2016 Olympic Games

Broadcaster Clowns Olympics, Shows His HS Wrestling Footage

Broadcaster Clowns Olympics, Shows His HS Wrestling Footage

WGN Chicago's Pat Tomasula has had it with the Olympics as well as NBC's insane media restrictions. The former wrestler turned stand up comedian turned broa

Aug 10, 2016 by Christian Pyles
Broadcaster Clowns Olympics, Shows His HS Wrestling Footage
WGN Chicago's Pat Tomasula has had it with the Olympics as well as NBC's insane media restrictions. The former wrestler turned stand up comedian turned broadcaster used his tv time to poke fun at the Olympic games.

Instead of the Olympic rings, he used triangles. Instead of the Olympic Theme Song, he used R Kelly's "Bump N Grind." Instead of Olympic highlights, he showed his high school wrestling tapes.

Tomasulo is, of course, simply following along with the restrictions NBC places on television networks covering the Games. Programs are only allowed to air 2 minutes of Olympic highlights during a six-hour show, and Tomasulo was out of luck by the time his sports segment aired.

Most of the hysterical bit can be viewed in the following tweets.

And he didn't stop there.

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